I Know My Nana Rosa Is an Alien
produced by The Chuckle Company
"I Know My Nana Rosa Is an Alien" is a play you can bring your children to. In fact, it's a musical comedy written for children, but intelligently enough to be enjoyed by all ages. Written and directed by Team veteran (1983-89) Vicki E., and featuring her husband Rick, himself a 5/100 vet with The Team, "Nana Rosa" is based on Vicki's recently published children's book by the same name. Perhaps you've never had a grandmother from Italy. Vicki did, and now you can share the experience. Vicki asked me to photograph a recent rehearsal, and I must say, the show is hilarious. Don't miss it.
To view a gallery of photos of the show, click here.
For another, click here.
(A few of these photos are too large to display thumbnails, but click on them - they're there.)
To read a news article about the book, click here.
To read a May 2004 news article about the show, click here.
To contact Vicki about booking "Nana Rosa" for your school or group, click here.