Welcome to Team Ministries
This will help you understand your member commitment with The Team. It is based on our 1981 Constitution and Bylaws.
About The Team
Team Ministries (a.k.a. "The Team") was founded in 1976 for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to give Christians with theatrical or musical talents the opportunity to use their gifts for God's glory. Team Ministries is an interdenominational Christian missions organization.
The purpose of the ministry is to communicate the message of the gospel primarily by means of original contemporary biblically based drama. As a touring group, we go where opportunities appear, both within and outside the four walls of the local church. We try to minimize the use of Christian jargon when ministering to unbelievers, and always endeavor to find a fresh way of presenting biblical truths to believers. We heartily support and encourage the ministry of the local church.
To fulfill our calling, we need to maintain a healthy climate of harmony, forgiveness, discipleship, community, and servanthood within our ministry. The spiritual health of members of our ministry team is prioritized above any external ministry. It is our conviction that our greatest ministry will be the training and discipling of those committed to service with The Team.
In 1981, Team Ministries became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Between 1976 and 1993, Team Ministries appeared more than 900 times for churches, prisons, youth events, Christian schools, coffeehouses, summer camps, retreats, and various kinds of outreach events. After a ten-year absence, Team Ministries was reborn in December 2003. We are currently performing our ninth original drama production. Since 1976, at one time or another, about 250 people have been members of The Team.
The Team considers its primary ministry region to be New England and New York state. Upon occasion, The Team may travel on tour to other locations in the United States and Canada.
Team Ministries receives oversight from a Board of Directors, comprised of the director, veteran Team members, area pastors, and other Christian leaders. The director and assistant directors assume day-to-day leadership of the ministry.
There are four types of involvement in Team Ministries:
(1) Full members, both local and term missionaries, are given preference with regard to roles, scheduling, and decision making. For members, a sense of calling to serve in this ministry should result in its being given a high priority in their lives.
(2) Associate members are those able to make a partial commitment to shows and rehearsals. They are expected to adhere to the same standards of Christian faith and practice.
(3) New members are accepted on a three-month trial basis, subject to review by the director and ministry leadership.
(4) Guests may participate on a temporary basis at the discretion of the leadership.
Guest performers must be evangelical (sometimes referred to as Bible believing or born-again) Christians.
o All members of Team Ministries must be evangelical Christians, holding to the basic tenants set forth in our statement of faith. (See Appendix 1) As we are nondenominational, individual members may adhere to doctrines and teachings particular to their own church or denomination, but as a ministry we hold to and teach what we believe to be biblically based and shared in common by most Christian churches and believers.
o There are no membership fees or dues, but members must provide for their own costumes, makeup, and transportation. Costumes include a Team jersey ($75).
o Members are expected to assist in raising funds for the ministry and their involvement in it. This may include support letter writing or other fund raising activities. However, attention to evangelism and drama takes precedence over fund raising activities.
o Team members are expected to pray for the needs of the ministry and to promote the ministry whenever possible.
o Members agree to come to all shows and rehearsals rested, cheerful, on time, and prepared to minister.
o Members are responsible for keeping a calendar of shows and rehearsals, and checking it regularly with the ministry's schedule.
o Regarding matters involving how the ministry operates, members agree to abide by the decisions of the leadership.
o Recognizing that procedural disagreements, interpersonal conflicts, and personal hurts are bound to happen from time to time, members agree to handle such matters in a manner glorifying to Jesus Christ and in keeping with Scripture. Leadership agrees to be available and encourage members to meet to resolve any issues. The inappropriate airing of complaints about a person to others, inside or outside the ministry, is unacceptable.
o Membership may be suspended by the leadership at any time for insubordination, non-cooperation with others, or persistent irresponsible or un-Christlike actions or attitudes. Reinstatement may be possible by meeting with the ministry leadership.
Our Commitment
More than just drama, The Team is a "ministry", which is another word for serving. Quality drama takes time, and serving also takes time. Team Ministries is for those called and willing to make a substantial time commitment.
To God and a Biblical Lifestyle
o are expected to make time on a regular basis for personal devotions and prayer.
o are to be regularly involved in a local church of their choice, in obedience to Scripture, to be consistent with the message of our ministry, and for worship, growth, and preparation for ministry.
o must be prepared to bear witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the occasion arises and Spirit leads.
o agree to refrain from the abuse or the underage use of alcohol and the use of illegal substances.
o agree to refrain from illegal or immoral activities, as defined by Scripture.
o agree to refrain from sexual intercourse outside the bounds of marriage.
o are allowed to date one another. However, adults may not date members or others less than 18 years of age. Likewise, minors (those under 18) are not permitted to date adults. Members dating other members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner honoring Christ, and to remain focused on the work of the ministry.
To One Another
By its nature, a touring drama team faces an array of challenges and ambiguities, as well as significant time constraints. It is necessary for each person to understand and fulfill his or her responsibilities, and also be willing to help wherever needed. Members' focus should first be on God, second on the mission and the audience, and third on encouraging other members of the ministry team. Group morale is a key factor in the success of any team, and is especially critical to our success. Creating and maintaining a climate of joy, enthusiasm, and encouragement is an extremely important part of our ministry.
o should come to each Team event with an enthusiastic attitude.
o are expected to respect fellow members, Team leadership, and our hosts by encouraging words and actions. Practices such a lying, gossip, backbiting, and displaying a bad attitude which might affect our witness are unacceptable.
To Shows
o Team Ministries' policy is not to cancel show commitments, in order to demonstrate faithfulness to God and to dependably support our host ministries. In order to achieve this goal, members are expected to carefully consider prospective show dates, and then keep all agreed upon commitments.
o Prospective show dates will be communicated to Team members by email.
o Members are expected to coordinate with their calendars and respond to the director within 48 hours if they have a conflict with a prospective date. After 48 hours, if it appears we have sufficient personnel, a show will be confirmed.
To Rehearsals
o are expected to attend all rehearsals except as excused by the director. Team Ministries generally rehearses an average of once a week. Occasionally more rehearsals may be required. This generally happens when we add new material or new members.
o should arrive on time, and always remember to bring their scripts to rehearsals.
Leaving / leaves of absence
Prior to resigning from the ministry, we request that members fulfill any of their show commitments and provide a 60 day notice, in order that we might locate and train a replacement. Over the years, many people have left The Team, and later been led by God to return.
It is also acceptable to request a leave of absence for a period of time for personal reasons.
Again, welcome to Team Ministries! If you have any questions about the commitment or anything else, we encourage you to approach someone in leadership.
Appendix 1
Team Ministries Statement of Faith
We believe that:
1. The Bible is inspired of God, hence free from error, and constitutes the only infallible guide in faith and practice.
2. There is one God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory.
3. Man, created in the image of God, through disobedience fell from his sinless state at the suggestion of Satan. This fall plunged man into a state of sin and spiritual death, and brought upon the entire race the sentence of eternal death. From this condition man can be saved only by the grace of God, through faith, on the basis of the work of Christ, and by the agency of the Holy Spirit.
4. The eternally pre-existent Son became incarnate without human father, by being born of the virgin Mary. Thus, in the Lord Jesus Christ, divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect, and distinct. To effect salvation, He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner's substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day He rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come again, personally and visibly, to complete His saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.
5. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the triune God. He applies to man the work of Christ. By justification and adoption, man is given a right standing before God; by regeneration, sanctification, and glorification, man's nature is renewed.
6. The believer, having turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is his or her responsibility to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.
7. At the end of the age, the bodies of the dead shall be raised. The righteous shall enter into full possession of eternal bliss in the presence of God, and the wicked shall be condemned to eternal death.
[a 1981 document based on the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Statement of Faith]