What's This ?
Welcome to Team Ministries, a truly unique Christian drama ministry. (People keep telling us we're really different ... I, uh, think
that's a good thing.)
You probably stumbled onto our site because you Googled "Christian drama" or "drama ministry" on your web browser. I'd like to
think you were specifically looking for us. Anyway, now that you're here, pull up a chair and settle in. You're about to encounter one
of those "one-of-a-kind" ministries in the body of Christ, a drama team with a maximum of edge and a minimum of fluff.
Team Ministries first kicked off in 1976, and after 18 years on and some years away, was re-launched in late 2003. The goal of "The
Team" is to minister by means of cutting edge drama to young people today. We address issues such as self-image, teen sex, drug
use, peer pressure, family relations, and taking a stand for Christ.
Our newest production "Cheerleading is Har-r-d!" will be available for bookings in the northeastern U.S. in January 2006. For more
information about our latest offering, our ninth original production since 1976, look for recent developments elsewhere on the site.
Right now, we're looking for people called to come to New England for a year* and minister through drama with us. The photo
below portrays the typical reaction to our recruiting pitch.
* You can stay longer if you like us.
In the weeks and months ahead, I'll be updating our progress as we embark on our next Great Adventure in drama ministry. For now,
please read on, enjoy the stories and photos, and be sure to return every couple weeks. The conductor is presently seating everyone.
The train's leaving the station the first of the year, so buckle up for another wild ride. All aboard!
What Team Ministries is not:
- A football team. "The Team" is a metaphor for the local church. No accident our jerseys are white and blue. We don't play co-ed
football ... uh, actually we do, but just for fun at church picnics and New York Thruway rest areas in a blizzard.
- A strange religion. If you're browsing the web for a pre-packaged total belief system and someone to run your sorry life, I
recommend typing "weirdo cult" at the FIND prompt on your browser. As a para-church drama ministry, we respectively work
with the Christian community.
- An artsy-fartsy group, where believers sit around discussing Christianity's relationship to the arts. If you've been to one of those
meetings, you've experienced yet another opportunity in the body of Christ to snack and yack ... not that there's anything wrong
with that.
- A ministry group whose passion may best be expressed: "We want to serve God through drama real bad." Team Ministries strives
toward an ever-elusive balance between quality drama and effective ministry. We endeavor to deliver a clear gospel message, but
not a religious jargon collection packaged as "Christian drama." We write our own material, in part because a lot of what we've
seen makes us queasy. Our goal is to be fresh, relevant, and effective, to reach beyond the "BLAH-BLAH-JESUS-BLAH-BLAH"
to real meaning, real compassion, real life. In "The Team," excellence rocks and servanthood rules, and Christ is above all the
rock and rule.
- An elitist group where the inexperienced thespian is made to feel like a duck out-of-water. We've undoubtedly been guilty of a
few boo-boos over the years, but I doubt snobbery ranks very high on the list. "The Team" is Christian drama by real people for
real people.
- Your typical Christian thing. Been there, done that? Nothing new under the Son? Stay tuned.